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How to uninstall

How to delete apps on Android:
First-. Go to the settings menu and select “Applications” or “Application Manager”.
2-. Swipe the Downloads tab and select the app you want to remove.
3-. Select the “Uninstall” button and the app will be completely removed.

How to delete apps on iOS:
First-. Go to the main screen.
2-. Press and hold the icon of the app you want to uninstall.
3-. The icon will start to “vibrate” and immediately an “X” will appear in the upper right corner.
4-. Click the “X” button to proceed with permanent app removal.


How to delete apps in Windows Phone:
First-. Go to the apps list and find the app you want to remove.
2-. Press and hold the app until a pop-up menu appears.
3-. From the same menu, tap on the “Uninstall” option.
4-. Confirm your decision by tapping “Yes” to confirm permanent removal of the app.